

Not every hair color works for every person. Im still overtaken by some great results after choosing the appropriate hair dye. In the case of Pilar you really can see a huge difference after changing from a blonde to a copper brown hair color.


Before the Hair-Dye

Pilar’s hair is coloured blonde. In my opinion much to yellowish.

As you can see on her hairline, her natural color is dark ash-blond. The difference between the dark original hair colour and the blonde coloured hair colour is quite a problem – especially if you want to avoid re-dyeing the hair constantly. To show up with a dark hairline when you have blond coloured hair, it is not really cool!

As there is no real contrast between the bright hair color and her bright skin, her face looks palish and her skin appears impure and blotchy.

The blonde coloured hair also doesn`t match her complexion yet it fits to her personality.

Something has to be done!

By the way…Pilar is not wearing any make-up.


















After the Hair-Dye

To dye Pilar`s hair I have choosen a strong copper brown hair color from La Biosthetique.

The vivid color reactivates the beauty of her complexion, making her skin look much more gentle and pure. Through the darker colour, her skin tone is getting a superb accentuation, while her trait seems a lot softer and more sensual.

The new Look uncovers Pilar`s very natural attractiveness!

Once again, we did not use any make-up for Pilar, with one exception: the pink lipstick from “La Biosthetique” – I couldn`t resist!

Oh… I almost forgot to mention: now we also solved the problem with the nasty hairline. Both, the dyed copper brown and her natural ash-blond color, are dark color tones – so it`s not necessary to re-dye or re-colour as often as before.

Mission completed ;-) 







Do you want to move montains?

Not sure that your hair color fits you? Then, I’m more than happy to give you a color and/or image consulting at my hair salón in Palma de Mallorca. We have the best reputation in hair coloring, cutting and styling.

Or get in contact with the hairdresser of your choice next to you and ask for a personal image consulting, he/she will be happy to help you!

Best regards from Palma de Mallorca.

Sincerely yours!
Silke von Rolbiezki 



Silke von Rolbiezki Coiffure,  Palma de Mallorca

This article was written by Silke von Rolbiezki, hairdresser, hair stylist and owner of ‘Silke von Rolbiezki Coiffure’ in Palma de Mallorca – has been involved and connected for more than 18 years in the high end hairdressing industry. She has perfected her skills over time with top hair stylists in Germany and Spain. In addition to cutting and styling, Silke is very well known for her extensive expertise in hair coloring.


Text: © Silke von Rolbiezki Coiffure, 2014
Pictures: © Alexander von Rolbiezki, 2014


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